The Badajoz Provincial Council and the RJB-CSIC analyse the slowed growth of the Solana vines and explore new ways of collaboration

On 4 December 2024 a meeting took place at the Royal Botanical Garden (RJB-CSIC) between the teams of the Ecological Transition Area of the Badajoz Provincial Council and the RJB-CSIC, both participating in the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project.

The meeting, which was attended by Alejandro Peña, Miguel Ángel Antón, Sara Tena, Jaime Fuentes and Álvaro Jiménez (Ecological Transition Area – Badajoz Provincial Council) together with Jesús Muñoz, Silvia Villegas and Miguel Vega (RJB-CSIC), addressed two main objectives: to analyse the problem of slowed growth that the vines planted in the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) of the Solana de los Barros school are experiencing and to explore new ways of collaboration that reuse the lessons learned in LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN or that are related to this project.

In order to carry out a more effective evaluation of the vines, the RJB-CSIC team will visit the Gabriela Mistral school again next January. In this way, it will try to identify the problem and propose a maintenance system adapted to the problems currently experienced by the NBS on the façades of this school.

The visit will also be used as an opportunity to organise a new meeting that will allow progress to be made on the ways of collaboration identified during this first meeting.

For all news and events related to the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project, we recommend following the project’s Twitter and LinkedIn channels.


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