Final Project Congress

Climate adaptation of buildings through the use of Nature-Based Solutions

September 19-21, 2023 | Madrid

On September 19 – 21, 2023, the final congress of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project will take place at the Royal Botanical Garden (RJB-CSIC), where we will have the opportunity to show the results achieved so far.

The main language of this congress will be Spanish.

During this event, we will be joined by professionals in the field of green infrastructure and the adaptation of buildings and cities to climate change. We will be accompanied by managers of projects and initiatives related to Nature-Based Solutions at European, national (Spain and Portugal), regional and local levels.

The first day of the event will focus on the concept of green cities and will be composed of two interactive sessions in which we will discuss current climate change strategies and the use of Nature-Based Solutions to improve thermal comfort in cities in Spain and Portugal. After lunch, we will visit some Nature-Based Solutions in the city of Madrid.

The second day will focus on specific projects that promote the use of Nature-Based Solutions as an alternative for the adaptation of cities and buildings to climate change, bringing together projects co-funded by the European Union’s LIFE Programme in the first session and other initiatives available in Spain in the second session. On this occasion, we will make a guided visit to the facilities of the Royal Botanical Garden.

To conclude, Madrid City Council, an entity that collaborates in the organisation of this congress, will lead the session “Nature, culture and evolution” in which they will work towards the construction of a community of knowledge and innovation that shares a climate and strategic vision of public and municipal climate policies.

Overview | Registration | Detailed agenda | Speakers | Practical information


Due to restrictions on the available capacity of the facilities of the Royal Botanical Garden, there will be a limit of 100 participants per day during the first two days of the congress (September 19-20, 2023) and a limit of 45 participants during the third day (September 21). The third day is aimed exclusively at municipal technicians from the Madrid City Council, however, attendance at the introductory talk by Eudald Carbonell (Co-director of the Sierra de Atapuerca excavations and Director General of the Atapuerca Foundation) is permitted. To do so, it will be necessary to indicate it in the corresponding field of the registration form.

To formalise registration, it will be necessary to fill in the form designed for this purpose. Those who are successful in being selected for the congress will be contacted by the organisers of the event. Attendance will not be confirmed until the confirmation e-mail has been received.

Registration closed

Overview | Registration | Detailed agenda | Speakers | Practical information

Detailed agenda
The presentations used during the congress can be viewed and downloaded here. In addition, from this link, you can also view and download the photos taken during the event.

Tuesday, 19/09/2023 – Green Cities

8:00–9:00 amRegistration (anteroom of the conference room)
9:00–9:30 amOfficial welcome and presentation of the event (conference room)María Paz Martín Esteban (Director of the RJB-CSIC)
Jesús Muñoz (Principal Investigator of the LIFE-mBiG project, RJB-CSIC)
Miguel Vega (General Coordinator of the LIFE-mBiG project, RJB-CSIC)
Bernd Decker (Head of Sector in the Unit ‘LIFE Energy and LIFE Climate’ at CINEA – EC))
9:30–11:00 amSession 1: Climate change strategies: from Europe to the local level (conference room)

Short presentations (10 min) + Question Time
Moderated by Jesús Muñoz (RJB-CSIC)

Ine Vandecasteele (Expert in Urban Adaptation, European Environment Agency)
Jole Lutzu (Officer in Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe)
Nuria Preciado Franch (Head of Sector Cities, Biodiversity Foundation)
Andrea Gonçalves (Architect of the Environment and Development Unit at Intermunicipal Community of Central Alentejo, CIMAC)
Luis Tejero (Subdirectorate-General for Energy and Climate Change, Madrid City Council)
11:00–12:00 amCoffee break (Linden Tree Courtyard and seminar room)
12:00–1:45 pmSession 2: Nature-Based Solutions for improving thermal comfort in Spanish and Portuguese cities (conference room)

Short presentations (10 min) + roundtable
Moderated by Miguel Vega (RJB-CSIC)

Alejandro Peña Paredes (Director of the Rural Development and Sustainability Area of the Provincial Council of Badajoz)
Marta Pinto (Head of the Environmental Management Unit at the Municipality of Porto)
Francisca Hipólito (TR+D+i Officer at Las Naves, Valencia City Council)
Andrés de las Alas-Pumariño (General Coordinator of the Sustainable Development Unit, Fuenlabrada City Council)
1:45–2:00 pmClosing day, conclusions and instructions for the field visit (conference room)Jesús Muñoz (RJB-CSIC)
2:00–4:00 pmLunch (Shade Plane Tree Roundabout)
4:00–6:30 pmField visit: Nature-Based Solutions in the city of Madrid (bus departure from Alfonso XII street)Visit led by Madrid City Council

Wednesday, 20/09/2023 – Projects for the promotion of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)

8:30–9:00 amWelcome coffee (Linden Tree Courtyard)
9:00–11:00 amSession 3: European projects focused on the development of Nature-Based Solutions (conference room)

Short presentations (10 min) + roundtable
Moderated by Carmen Alonso (IETcc-CSIC)

Miguel Vega (General Coordinator of the LIFE-mBiG project, RJB-CSIC)
Hugo Riquelme (Co-founder of Singular Green, Technical Consultancy of LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN)
Marta Pinto (Head of the Environmental Management Unit at the Municipality of Porto – H2020 URBINAT project)
Rafael Borge (Professor at Technical University of Madrid, UPM / LIFE VEG-GAP project)
Lucas Perea Gil (Head of the Cooperation and Funds Unit at EMASESA / LIFE WaterCool project)
11:00 am–12:00 pmCoffee break (Linden Tree Courtyard and seminar room)
12:00–1:45 pmSession 4: Other initiatives for the promotion of Nature-Based Solutions (conference room)

Short presentations (10 min) + roundtable
Moderated by Raquel Marijuan (CARTIF)

Jesús Iglesias Saugar (Ambassador of the EU Climate Pact / SBNCLIMA S.L.)
Paula Rivas (Head of the Technical Area of Green Building Council Spain, GBCe)
Víctor Irigoyen Hidalgo (Co-director of the Nature-Based Solutions Observatory, CONAMA Foundation)
Jorge del Préstamo (Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Green Roofs and Walls, ASESCUVE)
1:45–2:00 pmClosing day, conclusions and instructions for the field visit and the last day of the congress (conference room)Miguel Vega (RJB-CSIC)
2:00–4:00 pmLunch (Shade Plane Tree Roundabout)
4:00–5:00 pmField visit: the Royal Botanical Garden, a historical living museum (departure from the conference room)Jesús Muñoz (RJB-CSIC)

Thursday, 21/09/2023 – Nature, culture and evolution (Madrid City Council)

9:00–9:30 amWelcome session (conference room)Marisol Mena (Technical Advisor in the Subdirectorate-General for Energy and Climate Change, Madrid City Council
9:30–11:00 amIntroductory lecture of the course and presentation of concepts on nature, culture and evolution (conference room)Eudald Carbonell (Co-director of the Sierra de Atapuerca excavations and General Director of the Atapuerca Foundation)
11:00–11:30 amPresentation of the Biodiversity Plan for the city of Madrid (conference room)Cristina Pino (Directorate General for Green Zones of the Madrid City Council)
11:30 am–1:00 pm

Workshop for the creation of a knowledge and innovation community sharing a climate and strategic vision of municipal public and climate policies (various RJB-CSIC locations)

Eudald Carbonell (Atapuerca Foundation)
Luis Tejero (Madrid City Council)
Marisol Mena (Madrid City Council)
Marta Román (GEA 21)
Begoña Pernas (GEA 21)
1:00–2:00 pm

Workshop conclusion and closing session (seminar room)

Marisol Mena (Madrid City Council)
Luis Tejero (Madrid City Council)


Overview | Registration | Detailed agenda | Speakers | Practical information


Andrés de las Alas-Pumariño

General Coordinator of the Sustainable Development Unit, Fuenlabrada City Council

Dr. in Sociology (UCM). General Coordinator of the Sustainable City Development Area of Fuenlabrada City Council (Madrid). Manager of European projects. Municipal representative in EUROCIIES.

Carmen Alonso

Doctor of Architecture at the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences (IETcc-CSIC)

Carmen Alonso holds a PhD in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She works within the CSIC in the field of the environmental performance of buildings and their construction systems, in the research group "Construction systems and habitability in building" which belongs to the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences.
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Rafael Borge

Professor at Technical University of Madrid, UPM – LIFE VEG-GAP project

University Professor in the Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering and the Environment and Coordinator of the research group on Environmental Technologies and Industrial Resources.
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Eudald Carbonell

Co-director of the Sierra de Atapuerca excavations and General Director of the Atapuerca Foundation

Prehistorian and graduate in philosophy and literature from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1976), he obtained his doctorate in Quaternary geology from the Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI University (1986) and in geography and history from the University of Barcelona (1988).
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Bernd Decker

Head of Sector in the Unit ‘LIFE Energy and LIFE Climate’ at the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (established by the European Commission)

Andrea Gonçalves

Architect at Intermunicipal Community of Central Alentejo, (CIMAC) / Environment and Development Unit (UAD)

Graduated in Architecture (2003) by the Lisbon School of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon and PhD in Architecture (2015) by the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, with the thesis “Positive Synergetic Processes for an Urban Regeneration Strategy. A Case Study: the City of Évora”.
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Jesús Iglesias Saugar

Ambassador of the EU Climate Pact / SBNCLIMA S.L.

Jesus is a social entrepreneur. Since 2009 he catalyzes social innovation processes for climate resilience and social equity, both locally and internationally.
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Francisca Hipólito

R+D+i Officer at Las Naves, Valencia City Council

Degree in Law and Master in Institutions and Politics of the European Union, both from the University of Valencia.
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Víctor Irigoyen Hidalgo

Co-director of the Nature-Based Solutions Observatory, CONAMA Foundation

Degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Alcalá (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid). With more than 10 years of experience in sustainability project management, he began his professional career as a Technical Expert at the Spanish Association of Environmental Sciences, where he led projects on sustainable mobility, energy efficiency and energy poverty.
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Jole Lutzu

Officer Urban Resilience and Climate Adaptation, ICLEI Europe

Jole is Officer at ICLEI Europe in Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, supporting local governments facing urbanisation challenges, assisting them building a vision that allows them and their communities to consolidate resilient and sustainable transformation pathways.
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Raquel Marijuan

Architect of the Natural Resources and Climate Area, CARTIF Foundation

Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and Master Degree in Architecture from the University of Valladolid.
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María P. Martín 

Director of the Royal Botanical Garden, RJB-CSIC

PhD in Mycology, Barcelona Univ. Postdoctoral training, Dept. Forest Mycology and Pathology, SLU, Uppsala (Sweden).
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Marisol Mena

Technical Advisor in the Subdirectorate-General for Energy and Climate Change, Madrid City Council

Sociologist and civil servant in Madrid City Council since 1987 in the planning of public policies in various fields such as public health, environmental education, pedestrian and cyclist mobility on school roads, urban planning with criteria of adaptation to climate change, models of governance of urban public space, historical heritage, landscape and cultural management.
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Jesús Muñoz

Principal Investigator of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project, RJB-CSIC

Senior Researcher at the Royal Botanic Garden (Madrid, CSIC), an institution where he was Director between 2014 and 2018.
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Alejandro Peña Paredes

Director of the Rural Development and Sustainability Area of the Provincial Council of Badajoz

Degree in Environmental Sciences and Technical Engineer in Public Works (specialising in Hydrology) from the University of Extremadura.
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Lucas Perea Gil

Head of the Cooperation and Funds Unit at EMASESA – LIFE WaterCool project

Degree in Geological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, Executive MBA (EOI Seville), Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention (intermediate level) and Master's Degree in Protocol and Event Organisation (ESERP).
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Begoña Pernas

GEA 21

Cristina Pino

Directorate General for Green Zones of the Madrid City Council

Cristina is an agricultural engineer specialising in horticulture and gardening from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). She also holds a Master's degree in gardening and landscaping from the same university.
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Marta Pinto

Head of the Environmental Management Unit at the Municipality of Porto

Biologist. She has been working since 1995 in communication, public participation and education for sustainability, as well as in climate change and green infrastructure planning.
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Nuria Preciado Franch

Head the Cities Area, Biodiversity Foundation

Biologist specialising in urban environment. Her work focuses on improving environmental comfort and well-being in cities through the application of an ecosystemic approach to urban green systems.
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Jorge del Préstamo

Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Green Roofs and Walls, ASESCUVE

Degree in Physics, specialising in Applied Physics, from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2000, completing and directing his academic training towards sustainability and the environment with courses in renewable energies at CIEMAT and at the International Centre for the Technological Training of Solar Energy Specialists "CENSOLAR".
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Hugo Riquelme

Co-founder of Singular Green, Technical Consultancy of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project

Technical Forestry Engineer. Co-founder of SingularGreen, which has been designing, installing and projecting Nature-Based Solutions for more than 10 years.

Paula Rivas

Head of the Technical Area of Green Building Council Spain, GBCe

Architect and Master Degree in Environment and Bioclimatic Architecture by the ETSAM.
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Marta Román

GEA 21

Luis Tejero

Subdirectorate-General for Energy and Climate Change, Madrid City Council

Agricultural Engineer and Master in City Science from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).
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Ine Vandecasteele

Expert in Urban Adaptation, European Environment Agency (EEA)

Ine currently works on communicating knowledge on urban adaptation to policymakers at the EU through to local level, and is leading the EEA’s upcoming 2024 report on Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe.
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Miguel Vega

General Coordinator of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project, RJB-CSIC

Degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Salamanca (2010) and Official Master's Degree in Biodiversity in Tropical Areas and its Conservation (2011).
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Overview | Registration | Detailed agenda | Speakers | Practical information |

Practical information

The organisation of this congress is hosted by the Royal Botanical Garden (RJB-CSIC), in whose facilities the event will take place.

Contact information is available in the corresponding section of the project website:

As for the venue, access will be provided through the staff entrance to the Garden, located on Calle Claudio Moyano 1, 28014 Madrid.

Emergency numbers in Spain:

– Pan-European emergency number: 112
– Local police: 092
– Fire brigade: 080 o 085
– National police: 091


Covid-19 restrictions:

For general information about Covid-19 in Spain, please visit the Ministry webpage:


Contact information:


Project partners

In collaboration with

Co-funded by