Seminar on the management of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project at the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Salamanca (IRNASA-CSIC).

On Friday June 30 2023, Jesús Muñoz, Principal Investigator of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project, delivered a presentation on the project and the results obtained to researchers and managers of the Institute of Natural Resources of Salamanca (IRNASA-CSIC).

The project was presented as an example of participation in transversal European projects that allow consolidated research groups to transfer the results of their research to society in various fields.

Cut out of the poster of the event © Jesús Muñoz (RJB-CSIC)

For all news and events related to the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project, we recommend following the project’s Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

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