Más de uno, programme of the radio station Onda Cero, interviews Miguel Vega, General Coordinator of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project

The programme Más de uno is the news, current affairs and opinion programme of the morning session of Onda Cero, one of Spain’s leading national radio stations.

In the programme broadcast on 28 March 2024, Irene Calderón talks about “How do cities adapt to climate change?”, conducting a brief telephone interview with Miguel Vega, General Coordinator of the European project LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN and current manager of the work being carried out by the Royal Botanic Garden in the national PAULIA project, on the reduction of the heat island effect in cities.

During the interview, Miguel Vega talked about what the current climate change strategies should be and what they should aim to achieve. He also described the typology of buildings on which action should be taken and how to prioritise some buildings over others. He presented some arguments why it is necessary to adapt cities to climate change, showing the main consequences for Spanish cities if no action is taken. Finally, Miguel explained other elements of the city that need to change and some guidelines on how a climate resilient city should evolve.

The full broadcast of the Más de Uno programme of 28 March is shared below. Irene Calderón’s intervention, including the interview with Miguel Vega, is available from minute 52:37 onwards.

For all news and events related to the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project, we recommend following the project’s Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

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